Friday, December 19, 2008

The Bodies Antioxidant

Max GXL has been awarded a U.S. patent because it is so unique


how it increases the body’s production of Glutathione—a major

component of every living cell in your body. MaxGXL is

formulated to fortify your immune system and give you greater

energy and enhance your athletic performance—energy level.

The worlds most powerful Antioxidant is not a Berry, a Fruit or

a Drink. It is in your Body—Glutathione (GSH). Every cell in your

body requiresan adequate supply of Glutathione to function and

to stay healthy.It is your best defender against illnesses, infections,

toxins, and diseases.GSH is critical to optimum brain function, and

your body’s first line of defense against diseases of aging, the

harmful affects of stress and overexertion, illness, infection, and


When we are in our 20s our bodies produce normal levels of

Glutathione,but as we age and approach our forties and beyond

our body’s production of this powerful disease fighting compound

slows to a trickle.Without adequate GSH our bodies develop

diseases that make us prone to a multitude of illnesses

and disorders.

It is amazing how fast MaxGXL can restore Glutathione levels

in your body to give increased levels of energy, protection

from diseases, toxins, and stress related illnesses. Some people

have reported increasedenergy levels in 3 days to

just under a week.

Alan Pressman, DC, PhD, CCN

“Glutathione circulates constantly throughout your body

neutralizing free radicals and removing dangerous waste

products and toxins from your system while increasing your

level of energy. When your Glutathione level is high, your

overall health is high. You feel good and you look good.

You fight off minor illnesses quickly, you have plenty

of energy, and you feel mentally and physically alert.

If your Glutathione level is high, you’re at an optimal

level of good health. Glutathione naturally protects you

from the long-term dangers of free radicals, metabolic

wastes, and environmental poisons.

Since those dangers include cancer, heart disease,

premature aging, autoimmune disease, and chronic

illnesses such as asthma, keeping your Glutathione

level high helps you stay healthy and active.”

Robert C. Atkins, MD, founder of The Atkins Center for

Complementary Medicine. “GSH (glutathione) is the

unsung antioxidant…the one that makes all the

others work.”

Dr. Gutman, MD “Glutathione promotes longevity,

protects the body against heart disease, diabetes,

arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, psoriasis, chronic fatigue

syndrome, lupus, and boosts the immune system strength

and is useful fighting autoimmune diseases and other

health problems of older adults.Glutathione protects

against Trauma, Stroke, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's

dementia, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Schizophrenia,

Down syndrome, Tardive dyskinesia, Lipofuscinosis

(Batten's disease),

Huntington's chorea, and Sleep deprivation.”

About Dr. Robert Keller MD, MS, FACP

The inventor and developer of MaxGXL,

Robert Keller MD, MS, FACP, has been named as one

of the world’s 2,000 Outstanding Scientists of the

21st Century, and has served on the scientific review

panels for the National Institutes of Health and the VA.

He has served on the faculties of the Mayo Graduate

School of Medicine, the University of Wisconsin and

the Medical College of Wisconsin (Marquette University.)

He has published more than 100 original articles in

various medical journals. Dr. Keller was elected to

The Board of Governors of the American Academy of

HIV medicine, and serves on the Scientific Advisory Board

of the National Hemophilia Federation.

The Consumers’ Research Council has named

Dr. Keller one of America’s “Top Physicians in 2003, 2004,

2005, 2006 and 2007 in the fields of Internal Medicine,

Immunology and Hematology. Dr. Keller continues his

medical practice and research activities at his

clinic and laboratory in Florida.

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