Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Doctors and Experts Say About Glutathione

What Doctors and Experts Say About Glutathione

In February 2007 Dr John Nelson, the 159th president
of the American Medical Association said

“This product, (MaxGXL) in my opinion, represents
the single most important breakthrough in health that
I will witness in my life time. I believe it will
revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of
medicine world-wide and make Dr Robert Keller
more famous than
Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine.”

John Nelson MD, Former President AMA

"Strong muscular activity, such as that experienced
by athletes, generates oxyradicals [free radicals]
leading to muscle fatigue and poorer performance.
Glutathione neutralizes these radicals."

Sport Medicine
21: 213-238, 1996

Glutathione or "GSH" has been called the
"master antioxidant", and regulates the actions
of lesser antioxidants such as vitamin C, and
vitamin E within the body.
"We literally cannot survive without
this antioxidant."

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D. "What You Should Know
about the Super Antioxidant Miracle"

"No other antioxidant is as important to overall
health as glutathione.
It is the regulator and regenerator of immune
cells and the most valuable detoxifying agent
in the human body. Low levels
are associated with hepatic dysfunction, immune
dysfunction, cardiac disease, premature aging, and death."

Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe & Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D.
"The Immune System Cure"

"Glutathione is the major endogenous antioxidant
produced by the cell. Glutathione participates
directly in the neutralization of free radicals,
reactive oxygen compounds, and maintains exogenous
antioxidants such as vitamins C and E in their
reduced (active) forms. In addition, through
direct conjugation, glutathione plays a role
in the detoxification of many xenobiotics
(foreign compounds) both organic and inorganic.
Research suggests that abnormally low glutathione
levels may increase your risk for
Heart Attack."

Eric Topol, MD, New England Journal of Medicine.

"Glutathione has potent anti-viral properties -
if tissue and serum
glutathione levels are significantly increased,
the replication of most pathogens are slowed or
stopped. Conversely, glutathione deficiency
produces a pro-viral effect."

Paul Cheney, M.D.,Ph.D.
and expert in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

"As we age, there is a precipitous drop in glutathione
levels. Lower glutathione levels have been implicated in
many diseases associated with aging."

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

"Glutathione plays a role in eliminating many
carcinogens as well as maintaining immune function."

Cancer Letters
57: 91-94 1991

"Glutathione detoxifies many pollutants, carcinogens,
and poisons, including many in fuel exhaust and
cigarette smoke. It retards damage from radiation
such as seen with loss of the ozone."

Annual Reviews of Biochemistry
52: 711-780 1983


  1. Hi,
    I have done a lot of research regarding anti aging but I had never stumbled across Glutathione. Thanks for the info.

  2. Hi peter,
    Thanks for the info. I add your link in my blog roll.
    Good Luck
